TED talks

Good morning and welcome to Thought for the Day and a big thank you to Peter for hosting us at the new time. I wonder you have ever listened to a TED talk… No, nothing to do with cuddly toys, TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design”, and online you’ll find hundreds of experts give a TED talk on anything from “my dream of a flying car” to “why bees are disappearing”. Well a friend shared a fascinating TED talk last week entitled “ My year of living biblically ”. In it, Esquire magazine journalist A.J. Jacobs reports back on trying to do everything that the Bible commands for a whole year. He spent a year paying minute detail to every one of the 700 “rules” as he saw them, that he found in the Bible. And his talk is quite irreverent but at times quite amusing. So he takes seriously the commands in the Old Testament not to wear clothing made of mixed fibres, he grows his beard long, so that he’s not disobeying a command in Leviticus to not shave the corner of your b...