TED talks
Good morning and welcome to Thought
for the Day and a big thank you to Peter for hosting us at the new time.
I wonder you have ever listened to
a TED talk… No, nothing to do with cuddly toys, TED stands for “Technology,
Entertainment, Design”, and online you’ll find hundreds of
experts give a TED talk on anything from “my dream of a flying car”
to “why bees are disappearing”.
Well a friend shared a fascinating
TED talk last week entitled “My year of living biblically”. In it,
Esquire magazine journalist A.J. Jacobs reports back on trying to do everything
that the Bible commands for a whole year. He spent a year paying minute detail
to every one of the 700 “rules” as he saw them, that he found in the Bible.
And his talk is quite irreverent
but at times quite amusing. So he takes seriously the commands in the Old
Testament not to wear clothing made of mixed fibres, he grows his beard long,
so that he’s not disobeying a command in Leviticus to not shave the corner of
your beard, and he tries to stop lying or gossiping.
But concludes in a really
interesting way. Should you take the Bible literally? Should you put into
practice every command. Liberal Christians would say no, the Bible needs triage,
conservative Christians like me would say yes every word is the Word of God. He
says you have to pick and choose. Well if I met AJ Jacobs there are a couple of
things I’d say.
First, I’d say you’ve just seen
lots of evidence for God. He testifies to how though he didn’t become a
believer it changed his life. Things like taking a day of rest, being more
compassionate, and being thankful were real positives. Perhaps they should
point him to the fact that there’s a God who gets us and knows how we tick, a
God who made us and who is really there.
Second, I’d say we have to read the
Old Testament in the light of what Jesus said about it. Some of the cultural
and ceremonial laws were always supposed to be time limited rather than
universal, others remain.
And third, I’d say to him, the
Bible isn’t a rule book anyway. Actually, Christianity is about relationship
not rules. It’s about rescue and not ritual. At the heart of the Bible’s story
line is the story of a God who wants to know us, and who is so kind that he
steps into our world to forgive us and get to know us. A TED talk on what
Jesus thinks about you and me. That would be worth listening to! Maybe I should sign up!