A Free Bank Holiday
Good morning everyone, and happy platinum jubilee day!
My neighbours have got bunting out all over the front of their house, there are events going on where I live in Godmanchester for people to go along to – but, for some of us, we’re not that invested in the Royal family or the Queen. That’s certainly true for me.
What’s this weekend for you? Is it a chance to celebrate 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, or is it just a couple of extra days off? Because, even if you don’t care much about the queen, in fact, even if you’re strongly against the monarchy – you still get a bank holiday! The Queen has granted good things even to those who don’t care about her, or those who hate her!
And the same is true of God! Think about this, God is the creator who sustains our world, but he does that for those who believe in him, and those who go around trying to convince everyone he doesn’t even exist. Jesus says “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Just as all people in the UK get the benefits of the bank holiday, all people in the world get benefits from God.
Whether you follow God, or don’t believe in him – he gives you gifts of the sun to warm the earth and the rain to water it. But the difference is this – there aren’t any consequences to ignoring the Queen’s rule.
But if we ignore God’s rule, and enjoy his gifts without acknowledging the giver, we’ll be shut out of his kingdom when Jesus comes again – and that’s when we realise that all the good things of this world came from him. So as you enjoy the long weekend, enjoy the gifts of God the creator, and thank him for all he’s done.
Why not come along to a jubilee service on Sunday – 10:30am at Stukeley Meadows Primary School – hear more about what it means to be a good ruler, and about the God who made the world.
Have a good bank holiday, here’s a song about relaxing on a lazy morning.
Followed by "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson
Matt Gurtler 2/6/22