
Showing posts from February, 2025

Swallowed by a whale...

 Audio here and video footage here .  Well I saw an astonishing video on my news feed today, with the headline “Watch moment man is swallowed by humpback whale”. You can see it for yourself on the BBC website [1] . It’s quite astonishing. Adrián Simancas was out kayaking with his father, Dall, on the Patagonian coast off Chile, when he felt like something was lifting him, something too strong to be a wave. Next he felt something blue and white passing close to his face. He didn’t understand what was happening as he got submerged down into the water as a slimy texture brushed his face. Fortunately for Adrian, it was a Humpback whale which actually has a very narrow throat, so the whale which may just have been motivated by curiosity spat out the kayak and its kayaker within a couple of seconds. All of this was recorded by Adrian’s father Dall, and Adrian lived to tell the tale. Adrian says he felt he received a second chance in life when he was spat out, and said that the...