Rescued on honeymoon....

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Welcome to Thought for the Day. We had a recent wedding of a couple that met at church and so wedding bells have been on my mind.

So I was pretty astonished when I read the story of Acaimie and Clay Chastain[1]. They were on honeymoon in the Caribbean climbing a volcano. Husband Clay descended deeper into the crater while his new wife Acaimie waited. Suddenly she heard the sound of something snapping and cried out to him, but he didn’t respond.

Facing her fears, she climbed down deep into the dormant volcano to see him lying on his side covered in blood. The couple think a rope had snapped and he had had a terrible fall which involved him cracking his skull and jaw and spinal fluid was leaking into his sinuses. Neither of their mobiles had any signal.

Acaimie helped Clay to walk propping him up and trying to stop him from stumbling. Eventually they got to help and he was transferred to hospital in the US where he has made a good recovery. He still has no clear recollection the accident.

Later on Acaimie, who is a Christian, said this. “When I climbed into the volcano to save my new husband’s life, I proved that love is stronger than fear”.

Love is stronger than fear. It’s so true. When you love someone, you’ll do anything for them, no matter what it means to you, no matter what you have to face.

Many people think that Christianity is a rule book. Do this, go to church, say your prayers, give to charity, and eventually your good deeds will outweigh your bad. But it’s not like that at all.

The Christian story is that of a divine husband (Jesus) going to extraordinary lengths for the one he loves (you) to rescue you at the cost of his own life. And once you know that love it enables you to overcome your fears too, because as Acaimie said “love is stronger than fear”. Have you received that love?

Thanks so much for listening.
