A little Kindness goes a long way

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Welcome to Thought for the Day. Thanks so much for listening. “A little kindness goes a long way” doesn’t it?

The other day I was in the bank trying to get some help with my online banking app, and the lady was… well really kind. She didn’t patronise me, she didn’t hurry me along, she showed me how I could make the sort of bank transfer I was trying to do, even saving money in the process. And rather than me feeling a fool for not on top of my mobile banking app, she went out of her way to help me- super kind!  

Now this isn’t a product placement, and other banks are available, but if the team from NatWest in the High Street in Huntingdon are listening in, a big thank you for the kindness that I have consistently received in your branch.

You don’t always associate kindness with business, but there’s nothing to stop us being kind at work, or at home, with our friends, with our family. A little kindness goes a long way and small actions can really make someone’s day.

In the small book of the Bible called Titus we read this, “But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy”. (Tit 3:4-5)

What that’s saying is that God is a God of kindness. He is incredibly generous in his love and care, and the verse says that his kindness and love is seen in Jesus and in his rescue for us on the cross.

The truth is that we live in an unkind world, and too often we are unkind too. But in God’s kindness he sent Jesus to come and rescue us, as it says in one hymn, “love for the unlovely shown that we might lovely be”.

We don’t get into God’s good books by kindness- thankfully- otherwise none of us would make it, but once we receive the kindness of God, we find ourselves being kind to others, it kind of overflows.

I’m so grateful for the acts of kindness shown to me by my family, church and neighbourhood. So if you’re needing a bit of kindness in your life, why not start by looking at the life of Jesus Christ in the Bible.

Thanks for listening.