Have a Break


Good morning Peter, and good morning to everyone who’s listening. My thought for the day today is entitled, “Have a break”.

According to a recent Harvard Business Review, when one business woman recently did a survey, documenting answers to the question “how are you?” 8 out of 10 people replied “busy”[1].

Now I don’t know what sort of circles you move in, but a lot of people today are busy, busy, busy. It’s kind of ironic, because compared to our forebears, we have more labour-saving devices that can do our washing for us, we have technology that in theory could do some of our thinking for us and we have overall better healthcare that should mean we are living longer and are more productive.

But everyone is busy. Perhaps even now you are dashing from one thing to the next, or you’ve got a to do list that is growing longer each day, and you’re not sure how to cope. Well can I suggest one practical step. “Have a break”. No this is not an advert for a kitkat! It’s a return the the wisdom of what the Bible calls the Sabbath. In the Bible, when God created the world he had a break! After 6 days of creating, he rested. Now since He is all powerful and didn’t need to take a break, there must be a lesson there for us. If God has a day off, shouldn’t we?

Wouldn’t the world be a calmer happier place if once a week, we downed tools, stopped doing all the hectic things- perhaps had a break for one day from shopping or housework, or dare I say it our screens. (I’m not suggesting becoming a hermit, and we love to watch a good movie on our weekly day off, which as a family is Saturday).

But have a break. Have a rest, and put your feet up. And perhaps look up too- to the Creator God, who made you, and to the rescuer God who loves you. This world is not all that there is, and perhaps a day of rest is a good way of reminding us to slow down and remember what’s important- especially the God who made us.

Let me finish with the words of Jesus Christ in speaking about the ultimate rest that he offers. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”.

Thanks for listening and have a great day!

Charlie Newcombe 07NOV23