The Telephone of the Future
I saw a newspaper cutting recently. It was taken from the Tacoma News Tribune, a local Seattle based newspaper way back in 1953. The article asks about the telephone of the future. Let me quote from this 1953 article, it’s not too long (remember that it’s nearly 70 years old)… “Mark R Sullivan, San Francisco, president and director of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, said in an address on Thursday night (1953), “Just what form the future telephone will take, is of course, pure speculation. Here is my prophecy: ‘In its final development, the telephone will be carried about by the individual, perhaps as we carry a watch today. It probably will require no dial or equivalent and I think the users will be able to see each other, if they want as they talk. Who knows but what it may actually translate from one language to another?’” Well I think that 70 year old guess about the future of the phone is pretty spot on. My mobile phone can be carried around, allo...