
Showing posts from September, 2020

A strange fishing trip

  Good morning friends. My name is Charlie Newcombe, I’m the minister at Christ Church Huntingdon.   I have to say I’m slightly envious (if a vicar can admit that) of some members of my family who are currently in the outermost parts of Scotland on a fishing trip. It’s become a kind of family tradition, and I’ve been fortunate to join them on previous trips. Hours spent casting a fishing line into a loch or river in bonnie Scotland, hoping that eventually one of the elusive Scottish Salmon will take the bait. There’s nothing like the excitement when you get a big salmon on the end of the line, as some of the team experienced yesterday as seen on WhatsApp.   There’s a lot about fish in the Bible. They come in the Old Testament in the story of Genesis and the creation of the world. They come in the story of Jonah, who was of course swallowed up by a big fish, and they come in the New Testament, in the story of Jesus miraculously feeding thousands with one boys’ lunch (o...

Certainty in Uncertainty

Good morning friends. My name is Charlie Newcombe, I’m the minister at Christ Church Huntingdon.   Well the kids and teachers are going back at school. Next week you’ll see uniforms on the bus, bikes on the high street and kids at the school gates. It’s 6 months since they have seen a lot of their classmates, and so they’ll be excited, and perhaps some parents who thought they never had to teach algebra and fractions will breathe a sigh of relief that home-schooling is over. Schools are in the headlines at the moment: 1) Tens of thousands of pupils didn’t return to School in Scotland a few weeks ago. 2) Pupils are three months behind in their learning due to lockdown. 3) Will next year’s GCSEs and A levels be delayed? But I think the big question is will the mixing of people caused by a return to school bring a second wave of coronavirus cases. there’s a real feeling of uncertainty in the air. It’s a worrying time for parents and for teachers. What do the next few months hold...