A scroll from Joel: look out!
My name is Joel, and for these five Tuesday mornings I’ve got a message for you taken from my book (in the Old Testament) first given to people living in a time of crisis. The parallels are staggering. For us the crisis 2500 year ago was a locust plague and the damage they caused across the land devouring the crops. For you it’s a virus and the damage it is causing devouring human life and finance. But if you are willing to listen just for a few moments, there’s something we can learn from God for times like this. The first thing is Look around . We looked at that week 1. For us it was locusts eating our crops, and I encouraged people to look at the damage and devastation. The second was Look down . Mourn that damage that has been caused by this crisis. Third Look up . Any time of suffering and natural disaster should make us look up to God in order that we might turn back to him. And today’s message is Look out . Any crisis should teach us that we can’t carry on ignoring God ...